Sunday, October 17, 2010

Intensify Me Now

            I am a sucker for epic movies.  I completely fall for them like a teenage crush.  I enjoy a well-produced cinematic adventure.  I enjoy when the musical score matches the intensity of a scene, or the despair of a character.  I especially like historically epic movies, such as war or the ancient times.  I wonder how much effort is put into creating an epic movie as opposed to a regular action movie that doesn’t build up suspense as much.  It makes the movie-viewing experience that much better when you know the filmmakers were visionaries.  One day, I want to create the most epic movie ever made.  I want my audience to connect with my characters like they connect to their family members.  I want them to feel the same pain as the characters, and be moved when they flourish.  I am going to be very particular about my musical score.  This is because I feel music is a very strong aid to a movie of epic proportions.  The sounds and beats heard in an intense movie are on a different level than those of generic action movies.  Also, most importantly are the plot and the cast.  These two things are essential; I can’t have one without the other.  My cast has to believe in the plot and be able to submerse themselves within its borders.  I want it this way because that’s how I would act in an epic film.  The special effects and digital editing will also be important because I want to create everything fantasy and reality as if you’re seeing it person around the corner from your house.  I love epic movies, and I would love to create and/or act in one.

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