Monday, October 18, 2010

Design as Conversation

            I have always thought the coffee table book was a good idea.  The book was designed to be placed on the table, and spark a conversation when company comes over.  However, in today’s times the coffee table book has evolved into a video of a subject that we probably would have never seen otherwise.  I have discovered such a video, and it brings up the question, “What sparked the inspiration for this refreshingly new take on art and design?”  The video captures an “underwater society” if you will.  The artist Jason deCaires Taylor created life size, life-like sculptures and added a twist.  He placed them all on the sea floor, and titled his creation, “The Silent Evolution.”  This artist is expanding the design world to include the marine aspect of Earth.  It is quite easy to guess Taylor’s motivations of creating sculptures of local villagers, but why placed them on the ocean floor?  I believe the artist wanted to take something so familiar, humans and place them in an environment that is largely unfamiliar.  In doing this, it creates a sense of faith and hope to the people that there is more out there than you already know.  Also, to look at the peacefulness of these sculptures among the marine life is also a vision few have seen.  We have only seen humans adorned with scuba equipment swim amongst the fishes.  This piece is different, it looks like these people, and these sculptures belong.  I feel like Taylor wanted to create a feeling of belonging.  Taking something out of its environment, putting it into another and belonging just the same.  When design is innovative it is delightful.  Design is where an artist creates a piece you have never seen before, but you completely agree with it and feel it.  I agree and feel Jason deCaires Taylor’s piece, “The Silent Evolution.”  Inspiration breeds creativity, and creativity fuels life.

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